Thursday, May 17, 2012

Eastward, ho!

It does, pun intended.
Kadee getting prepared for a sand storm


    We cut our stay in Moab a day short when the weather took a turn. The local hostel (which had gotten a good recommendation by the locals), was booked for the next few days and neither of us felt like setting up a tent in the rain.



The Delicate Arch

The hike to see the delicate arch wasn't long, but I would be lying if I said it wasn't arduous. Once we got to the top, the wind picked up and sprayed sand into our face, making the descent even more difficult.

We ate at a little restaurant off main street, Eddie McStiff's-not the greatest, but the buffalo burger was great! Everyone there was very friendly and had Kadee showing off her Cracker Barrel tattoo to the table next to us, and I got offered a job!

At this point, I've seen a lot of red rock and desert. I'm ready for Colorado!!

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