Friday, July 27, 2012

Regrets-those I have and those I have met.

People say a lot of dumb things about their regrets.
"I don't regret any of the things I have done, they have made me who I am today."
Because you are a MUCH better version of yourself with your ex-girlfriend's name tattooed I'm your back.
Whatever you say.
"All the mistakes I've made of taught me what not to do."
There is a point in time where this is no longer valid. If a 2 year-old sticks their finger in an electrical socket, they learn their lesson. If a 12 year-old does it, we wonder what is wrong with them. After awhile we are expected to understand the consequences of an action before we do it-not "learn our lesson" after the fact.
I'll admit it, I've kissed a lot of frogs and taken many a dangerous path. Some of them did lead me a valuable lesson that will help me in the future. Some if them though, were just mistakes that I wish I has never made, because of how they slowed me down, darkened my eyes and hurt the ones I love.
Think, before you act...and regret, because without it you would be condemned to always repeat your mistakes.

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